Saturday, July 18, 2020

A Case Report To Be Completed For My Module Neuromuscular Therapy. An

A Case Report To Be Completed For My Module Neuromuscular Therapy. An A Case Report To Be Completed For My Module: Neuromuscular Therapy. An Analysis Of A Clinical â€" Essay Example > Theoretical AspectMr. Burns has been undergoing severe pains for the last three years, though his conditions has been stabilizing regularly Mr. Burns health conditions have not improved whatsoever. His symptoms includes, experiencing horrible and very high temperatures in his hands, sensation of swollenness, worsened hand symptoms as a result of massage, pains with a nerve origin for instance, the tingling and numbness of hands leading to throbs. Though under supportive relationship Mr. Burns is emotionally affected implying unstable mental state. The fact that he cannot continue with his career in writing seems to affect him most, the poor sleeping patterns means that he never acquires enough sleep thus unstable psychological state. He is a demoralized man who after visiting several neurologists and healers he has not been able to get any assistance, worse still some experts has worsened his conditions i. e. the teacher from Alexander who improvised a method of laying the patient s head on a book in the ‘best’ position an idea that failed to bear fruits. To assist Mr. Burns I will be guided by the above brief medical history. The pain that Mr. Burn is undergoing may be caused by many factors but for the purpose of this study I will mainly concentrate on the knock after a football match. Body tissues contract after ‘physical knocks’, tissues may have stayed contracted, restricting the body’s functioning and giving rise to the problems suffered by Mr Burns over the years. I would like to consider whiplash as a possible cause. It may be the case that there was previous history of an underlying accident or the football injury may have itself been the cause. Chaitow (2003:175) suggests that whiplash-type injury may trigger fibromyalgia, the reason for this may lie in the role of the rectus capitis posterior minor muscle, part of the suboccipital group. Symptoms can range from neck and arm pain to chronic headache, dizziness and imbalance all of which Mr Burns exhibits. When whiplash-type injury triggers fibromyalgia the resultant effect is a repetitive spine injury a thing that is exhibited in Mr. Burns present symptoms (Chaitow 2003:171)This case is similar to that of the football player from high school since both Mr. Burns and the player experienced abnormal hands sensations, stenosis of the cervical canal and oedema of the spinal cord with both being barred from participating in any contact sports to avoid further injury to their spinal cords. Their problems appears to have a similar causes i. e. after a football match a clear indication that whatever is affecting one person is similar to the other persons health woes and similar medication can be applied in their treatment therapy. Another factor to consider is Mr Burns’s body height and long sitting hours particularly in a ‘compromised’ position may have led to further postural imbalances. The prolonged hours of computer keyboarding that Mr. Burns used to spend may depict a likely cause for his current conditions. Ten hours or more of continued sitting at a computer clearly indicates that Mr. Burns was bending his back for a long period, straining his body. This may have resulted in a low blood supply to the muscles, tendons and connective tissues culminating into the patient’s hypersensitivity to touch. Mr. Burns could be a victim of ischemia (Servi, 2001). It is clear that Mr Burns’s normal sitting posture shows dysfunction.